January 06

Bring Sexy Back with Vitamin D

January 06

Bring Sexy Back with Vitamin D

(Benefits of Vitamin D)

The “sunshine vitamin,” seems to have adopted the new label the “sexiest vitamin.” Extensive research over the past twenty years documents a remarkable “paradigm shift” in understanding vitamin D. Vitamin D is more likely a prohormone, a substance that converts into a hormone, rather than a vitamin.

Optimal vitamin D levels have been shown to possibly reduce your risk for several health problems as well. This includes the reduction in risk of autoimmune diseases, depression, cognitive decline, high blood pressure, cardiovascular, diabetes, and surprisingly enough, sexual dysfunctions.

I became more curious about this claim that Vitamin D has now been crowned the “Sexiest Vitamin” around. It receives all this praise on being this vitamin/prohormone endowed with the benefits to increase sex drive, mood, and performance.

I decided to dig in and do some research on this claim. It most definitely peaked my interest, why wouldn’t it?!!

Here is what I discovered about the Sexiest Vitamin (Vitamin D) around …

Studies conducted have shown that insufficient amount of Vitamin D can cause low testosterone in men and low estrogen in women. This clearly indicates its effect on our sex drive. The impact also impacts our mood, which can add a Huge damper into one’s sex life.

Vitamin D deficiency is now recognized as a pandemic.

Deficiency of Vitamin D in relation to its effect to sex hormones in both sexes have been presented through research to show association in FSD in women and ESD in men.
FSD and ESD, doesn’t sound good, sounds like another familiar acronym, STD?

Well, FSD (female sexual dysfunction) and ESD (erectile sexual dysfunction) is not an STD, but it can throw a wrench into our sex life such as an STD can.

A research was conducted with a total of 50 women with FSD and 58 healthy women, all between the ages of 22 and 51 years, were included in the study. The researchers discovered that women that with FSD had shockingly low average vitamin D levels. Furthermore, depression was significantly associated with FSD (1).

The main finding from the above-mentioned research is that deficiency of vitamin D may impair the sexual dysfunctions in women of reproductive age.


  1. Masum, C. et al. Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with female sexual dysfunction in
    premenopausal women. International Urology and Nephrology, 2016.

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