How To Set Mini-Goals And Shift Your Habits

How To Set Mini-Goals And Shift Your Habits

Are you achieving your goals? Did you make resolutions or set goals for this year and feel you’re falling behind? Maybe you already have given up on their goals completely. No matter which category you fall into, it’s not too late to still achieve success in your yearly goals. Reassessing and creating mini-goals might be an answer to your plan for success.

Why do I need to set mini-goals?

Mini-goals give you the power and give you the confidence that everything is in your hands. They allow you to set yourself up for success. Anytime you look at the big picture, you see a whole lot of stuff to do and start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. But when you break it down and take a step-by-step approach, you’ve got some manageable tasks that you can easily handle. Mini-goals allow you to feel small wins along the way instead of being disappointed by not seeing as much success as you would like.

How do I set mini-goals?

1. Start with your approach to goals:

Meeting goals is about making choices. There’s a lot of power and freedom in knowing that your choices can get you to where you want to go. No one is stopping you. Set parameters to follow every day, throughout the week and each month that will allow you to successfully meet your goals.

2. Change up the routine and create new habits:

Establishing new habits and routines will eventually lead up to meeting your overarching goals. No matter what goal you want to accomplish, from eating healthy, to learning a new skill, to breaking a bad habit, setting smaller mini-goals is going to help you get there. These smaller goals also help you get things done without overwhelming you.

3. Break your goals up:

Getting specific is really important. For example, if you want to establish healthier eating habits this year you need to break things down by making a series of mini-goals. As you make these goals inside of goals you will hone in on things more and more as you go.

For example, a monthly goal could be: Make a daily meal plan for the month with a focus on vegetables and healthy snacks. 

Weekly: Prep my lunches on Sunday evening for the week ahead.

Daily: Drink at least 8 glasses of water, limit yourself to one cup of coffee and cut out sugary drinks.

Just remember to keep your mini-goals simple and achievable. Don’t make them complicated. The whole concept of a mini-goal is to build your confidence and get you moving in the right direction. Mini-goals should get you to build momentum which will lead to progress. 

And here are some examples to help you get started: 

  • Stay offline one day per week
  • Meditate every morning
  • Read 20 pages per day
  • Journal every day
  • Get up when your alarm goes off
  • Set a regular bedtime and wake up time
  • Limit screen time after work
  • Start a gratitude journal
  • Do a social media detox
  • Take a ‘me’ day
  • Walk after lunch or dinner 
  • Drink tea instead of coffee/soda
  • Squeeze in 10 minutes of exercise per day
  • Eat more veggies
  • 30 days of yoga
  • Try meal prepping
  • Develop a workout routine
  • Drink more water
  • 30-day squat challenge
  • Try a new form of exercise
  • Go to bed at a reasonable time
  • Explore two new places
  • Learn something new
  • Declutter your home
  • Get started on one thing you’ve been putting off