Jimmy Lee
Strategic Adviser
He has held progressively more accountable positions, including SVP of Commercial Segments, President of Consumer Division, and SVP & GM of UniCare, Inc.
Jimmy has led three very significant P&L turnarounds of UniCare and Anthem businesses resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in operating gain improvements.
Jimmy led Anthem entering the Exchange Individual & Small Group ACA markets including in depth strategic analysis with subsequent strategic direction, investment priorities and complex execution. First year results included the largest Exchange enrollment in the country and largest operating gain in the country of $500 million.
He built and led the execution of annual business plans for all of Anthem’s Individual, Small Group, mid-size Group, and Large Group / ASO with P&L accountability.
Jimmy is on the Advisory Boards of Solera Health, Wellthie, Employer Health Innovation Round table, and now Cecelia Health.
Jimmy is an Executive Consultant with Sharecare, Advisor for Leverage Health, and Strategic Advisor for Pareto Intelligence.
In addition, he is on the Board of Directors of S&S Healthcare Strategies, Easter Seals (Treasurer) and Project HELP
Jimmy Lee is a dynamic healthcare visionary with a hunger for continuous healthcare ecosystem improvement. Jimmy’s wide expertise includes P&L management, sales, marketing, underwriting, consumerism, actuarial pricing, finance, risk management and strategy.
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