Bert Atienza

Medical Doctor/Physician

Dr. Atienza began his medical career by enlisting in the United States Army Medical Corps at 17 years of age and serving a total of 12 years as a Medical Laboratory Specialist and Combat Field Medic.  He is trained in Family Medicine with additional training in both Sports Medicine and Functional Medicine.  Bert received his undergraduate degree in Biological Anthropology at The University of Maryland, College Park, and attended medical school at St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine.

More specific to Functional Medicine, he is Certified in Wellness Coaching through Maryland University of Integrative Health and Certified in Biological Hormone Therapy by the Academy of Preventive and Innovative Medicine by Worldlink Medical—a recognized resource for the latest medical treatments in the prevention of chronic disease, with a hormone foundation.

Philosophy of Care:

He treats most conditions with a firm understanding and belief that the body has a strong capacity to heal itself but with prevention being the key to healthy aging.  A detailed history and physical exam (still very much possible via Telemedicine) is the starting foundation for coming up with a precise and client-specific treatment plan.

Modalities of Special Interest:

·       Accelerating Heavy Metal Detoxification with safe and affordable supplements
·       Percussion Massage Therapy of the skeletomuscular system for prevention and treatment of muscle and joint pain
·       Meditation through Binaural Beat Technology assistance for anxiety, stress, and depression management
·       Condition-specific Health Nutrition supplementation
·       Sleep optimization
·       Biological Hormone Therapy if indicated


Some of Our Providers

Jennifer Johnston National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach More details
Christine Barlet National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach More details
Bert Atienza Medical Doctor/Physician More details
Rachel Bowman National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach More details
Ryan Hunter Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach More details
Katie Janeczek Dietitian/Nutritionist More details
Linda Lynch Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach More details
Ann Meyer Medical Doctor  More details
Mark Owolabi Medical Doctor More details
Leah Tsui Dietitian/Nutritionist More details
Melonni Dooley Naturopathic Physician More details
Shane Jhooty Board Certified Family Physician (MD) More details