Functional medicine

Do I need custom vitamins? Doctor answers
Advertisements are everywhere for custom vitamins, personalized supplements, and vitamins tailored to you. But are these supplements really worth the hype

Functional, Holistic, Integrative, or Naturopathic Medicine?
Tell us a bit about yourself, your medical background, and how you found your way to Ciba Health. My name is Sandy Le and I’m one of the Medical Directors of Ciba Health, on the West Coast. Since we’re national, we have West and East regions. I’m a naturopathic doctor. I went to UCLA for […]

5 Easy To Follow Intermittent Fasting Schedules
Intermittent fasting is a nutrition plan that switches between periods of fasting and eating on a regular schedule.

Functional Medicine Testing: 6 Types of Tests You Need
The problem is standard lab tests examine the basics, but there is much more information that your body can tell you. As a result, it’s essential to request tests that take a closer look.

Is Functional Medicine Real? Separating Fact from Fiction
Functional medicine is centered around a holistic and individualized approach.

Here’s How Functional Medicine Works To Effectively Identify The Root of Your Illness
To identify underlying reasons for illnesses, Functional Medicine aims to find the epicenter of the problem.