
Trouble Sleeping? How to treat insomnia
Having trouble falling and staying asleep? Here’s how to break free from your insomnia naturally and get deeper sleep each night

Feeling stressed out? Chronic stress signs, symptoms, and management
Constantly feeling stressed out? Here are the signs and symptoms of chronic stress, and what you can do to manage your stress and feel better

Doctors, dieticians, and health coaches – why collaboration is essential
Dr. Innocent Clement: I am the CEO and founder of Ciba Health. Here with us today is my Director of Wellness, Whitney Crouch.

6-Step Breathing Exercise To Relieve Stress
Controlled breathing exercises can help keep your mind focused and body in shape, by helping to lower blood pressure, promote feelings of calm and relaxation, and relieve stress.

4 Steps to Create Your Morning Affirmation
Positive affirmations can be used to reshape and reprogram your thought patterns and change the way you feel about things.

What Does It Really Mean to Have a Balanced Diet?
When many of us think about a healthy, balanced diet, the first thought that comes to mind is probably the food pyramid, followed by a flashback of your teacher pointing to a diagram on the chalkboard.