
Everything You Need To Know About Telemedicine vs. Virtual Care
Due to time and money, more and more people are interested in seeing online doctors. But knowing where to start when you’re new to the concept can be daunting.

Do I need custom vitamins? Doctor answers
Advertisements are everywhere for custom vitamins, personalized supplements, and vitamins tailored to you. But are these supplements really worth the hype

Dr. Markyia Nichols on using less medication
Tell us a bit about yourself, your medical background, and how you found your way to Ciba Health. I started out in OB-GYN, which I absolutely loved. It was fast-paced. It was quite a bit of stress. Although at the time, it just felt like lots of energy and it was fun. I noticed pretty […]

Functional, Holistic, Integrative, or Naturopathic Medicine?
Tell us a bit about yourself, your medical background, and how you found your way to Ciba Health. My name is Sandy Le and I’m one of the Medical Directors of Ciba Health, on the West Coast. Since we’re national, we have West and East regions. I’m a naturopathic doctor. I went to UCLA for […]

Doctors, dieticians, and health coaches – why collaboration is essential
Dr. Innocent Clement: I am the CEO and founder of Ciba Health. Here with us today is my Director of Wellness, Whitney Crouch.

Is Functional Medicine Real? Separating Fact from Fiction
Functional medicine is centered around a holistic and individualized approach.