Ciba Health’s Affiliate Program is up and running!

Ciba Health’s Affiliate Program is up and running! We are so excited to partner with healthcare professionals and bring chronic disease reversal solutions to more and more people. ⁠

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What to Expect From Virtual Healthcare in 2022

Virtual healthcare is seeing a tremendous rise in popularity. Whether it’s to avoid Covid transmission or out of convenience, more and more people are turning to online doctor visits as a means of healthcare. Virtual healthcare provides a quick and easy solution to basic healthcare needs, from sinus infections to mental health appointments.  Online doctor […]

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Everything You Need To Know About Telemedicine vs. Virtual Care

Due to time and money, more and more people are interested in seeing online doctors. But knowing where to start when you’re new to the concept can be daunting.

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What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating brings mindfulness to food choice and the experience of eating, as defined by The Center for Mindful Eating.

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What to Know About Menopause: Signs, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

Menopause can be a confusing time in a woman’s life, when hormonal fluctuations can cause changes not only to the reproductive system but to the body as a whole.

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What is functional nutrition? Answers from an RDN

What is functional nutrition and how does it differ from the conventional approach to nutrition? Leah Tsui, a registered dietitian nutritionist from Ciba Health

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Trouble Sleeping? How to treat insomnia

Having trouble falling and staying asleep? Here’s how to break free from your insomnia naturally and get deeper sleep each night

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Feeling stressed out? Chronic stress signs, symptoms, and management

Constantly feeling stressed out? Here are the signs and symptoms of chronic stress, and what you can do to manage your stress and feel better

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Do I need custom vitamins? Doctor answers

Advertisements are everywhere for custom vitamins, personalized supplements, and vitamins tailored to you. But are these supplements really worth the hype

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Virtual healthcare is seeing a tremendous rise in popularity. Whether it’s to avoid Covid transmission or out of convenience, more and more people are turning to online doctor visits as a means of healthcare. Virtual healthcare provides a quick and easy solution to basic healthcare needs, from sinus infections to mental health appointments. 

Online doctor appointments allow a patient to save time and money. No more travel time or long time wasted in waiting rooms. With internet service, camera and microphone, which is standard with phones and laptops, you can be connected to a doctor within minutes. 

The changes in technology have allowed the medical field to offer these services, but offering online doctor appointments has changed how healthcare professionals practice medicine and the laws that govern it. As virtual healthcare grows, you can expect changes, so it is essential to look at what is in store for 2022. 

What to Expect from Virtual Healthcare in 2022

The virtual healthcare market is growing at incredible speeds. The American virtual healthcare market is expected to reach revenues of over $3.5 billion by 2022. This revenue includes online doctor visits through audio, video, and kiosks. 

These healthcare changes allow patients to receive fast treatment for non-urgent care and follow-up mental health appointments for ongoing treatments. The matter of convenience is allowing for patients to be seen more quickly than they would by visiting their primary care physician in the office or waiting to be seen in Urgent Care. It also prevents those offices from being backlogged by non-urgent appointments. 

While many people are opting for virtual healthcare, many more still have not considered its benefits. Education is vital in expanding its reach. 

What is New in Physical Health

Up until recently, chronic disease has been monitored by healthcare professionals at in-person health facilities.  Chronic disease is the leading cause of death in America, and it is also the driving force behind the $3.8 annual healthcare costs. While utilizing online doctor appointments for acute symptoms, virtual healthcare is also becoming a preferred method of managing or proactively reclaiming your health. This is being done through holistic healthcare means and root-cause-based healthcare. 

During COVID, many chronic disease patients began leaning on virtual healthcare to help manage their conditions. There are several benefits that make it a preferred choice such as: 

When life has returned to normal and the pandemic is behind us, you can expect virtual care for chronic conditions to keep growing. With improved technology, increased access to specialists, more affordable and comprehensive options, and the growth of root-based-cause healthcare virtual care for chronic illness will be a preferred means of healthcare in 2022 and beyond. 

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring is a process that allows your healthcare provider to get a broad real-time view of how you are doing in real-time. A multitude of devices can be supplied to the patients by the healthcare staff, allowing for a constant stream of data to be provided to the doctor. These devices could be anything from a web-connected scale to an Oura ring. Whatever gives the healthcare professional a real-time view of the patient’s physical health to develop and adjust a personalized plan as needed.

Virtual Care vs Telemedicine 

While most people are familiar with telemedicine appointments for acute symptoms such as earaches, they may not know they work hand in hand with remote patient monitoring. Virtual Care appointments help establish a patient’s needs at the beginning of their healthcare journey and may be needed again if things get out of balance along the way. Having the doctor constantly checking in lets them know of your personal needs so that you can make an online doctor appointment to make adjustments at any time. 

Remote Diagnostics

Expect to see more healthcare professionals turn to remote diagnostics. This allows for a patient’s vitals to be monitored through diagnostic devices that connect through the computer and enable the healthcare professional to check the status of various health markers. Portable kits are being sold that contain devices such as otoscopes, stethoscopes, pulse oximeters. These devices help give doctors get a broader view when monitoring chronic diseases. These kits are typically reimbursable via your insurance or HSA. 

What is New in Mental Health 

Mental health visits became more popular with the onset of Covid, especially with smaller mental health offices. It was a way to continue the constant care that mental health patients needed to stick with their therapy and to check in with their doctor regarding their mental state and how they were doing with their medication. 

Virtual Care offers mental health patients better access to online mental health clinicians, such as therapists and psychiatrists, making mental health easily available to people in rural areas where there might not be as many options. 

Online mental healthcare is helping with the stigma surrounding mental health by making it more accessible and giving people options. It can be overwhelming waiting to be seen at a mental health practice where many people are waiting to be seen. But by providing the option for people to get help from the privacy of their own home it provides a level of comfort they might not have otherwise. Online mental health is rapidly growing and is expected to be one of the top 10 online medical specialties for 2020. Expect to see the client base grow due to the accessibility and privacy of online mental health visits. 

Recently, CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) decided to allow Medicare to pay for mental health virtual visits, with certain conditions, like including the virtual healthcare visits provided by rural health clinics and federally qualified health centers. Also, the patient has an in-person visit within 6 months prior to the first virtual visit and at least once every 6 months afterward. Another stipulation is that doctors allow for audio-only appointments instead of video. The fact that Medicare is getting on board is a sign that virtual mental health appointments are here to stay.

How Covid Affected Online Healthcare

The use of telehealth services exploded during the pandemic. Many healthcare practitioners and small healthcare facilities moved to online visits, where applicable, to avoid spreading the virus. With the onset of the pandemic, many offices were not prepared for the influx of online doctor appointments and quickly had to adjust. Regulations as well had to be adjusted to accommodate the rising need for virtual healthcare. In this AMA video, Todd Askew, Senior Vice-President of Advocacy at AMA, mentioned how Covid-19 had moved us forward a decade in the use of telemedicine. 

While restrictions have been temporarily lifted or modified, the question now is how to have them permanently adjusted to maintain the level of care being received through virtual healthcare. The AMA has reached out to Congress via the Physicians Grassroots Network, which is no longer an active campaign, to call on Congress to convince them to lift the geographic restrictions on telehealth services permanently. Unfortunately, as noted, this campaign has failed. However, other efforts are being taken in its place, like Senator Schatz’s CONNECT for Health Act.

CONNECT for Health Act

The CONNECT for Health Act was introduced by Senators Schatz, Wicker, Cochran, Cardin, Thune, and Warner and Representatives Black, Welch, and Harper. This bill has been introduced before and died on the House of Representatives floor. Senator Schatz believes that this act might now be passed between his bi-partisan support and the effects of the pandemic. 

This act would pave the way for virtual healthcare by broadening the standards set by law to allow for Medicare and Medicaid acceptance. It matters if the CONNECT for Health Act approves telehealth for Medicare because it opens the door for all practitioners and changes the laws that govern online healthcare as a whole, such as permanently removing all geographic restrictions. Over 50 healthcare companies support the bill. 

A Better Level of Care

No matter what, the future can only bring a better level of care for virtual healthcare. With the influx of patients due to Covid, healthcare agencies had to adjust quickly. Now they have had time to work out any kinks and improve early efforts of virtual care. Virtual healthcare already provides so many benefits that it is no wonder that the industry is growing with each passing year. 

To recap some of the benefits:

Virtual healthcare options provide easy access to multidisciplinary healthcare facilities fitting all your healthcare needs are also the wave of the future. While healthcare offices with multidisciplinary teams are growing, they are few and far between if not in large metropolitan areas. Having access to them via online services affords patients a much better level of care.

Final Thoughts

Many of us have learned with Covid that some things are just not necessary, or at least they can be frequently avoided. From shopping for your groceries in the store to wasting hours at the doctor-only to find out that yes, the pain in your ear is, in fact, an earache. 

When it comes to preventative health or functional medicine, virtual healthcare makes even more sense. Avoiding doctors’ offices filled with sick patients so you can manage your diabetes doesn’t seem practical at all. With root-based programs, like the ones at Ciba Health, you can get all your needs met with our multidisciplinary team from the comfort of your home. We are taking your virtual healthcare needs into 2022 and beyond. Get started with all the fantastic benefits of your plan by booking a call today.

Due to time and money, more and more people are interested in seeing online doctors. But knowing where to start when you’re new to the concept can be daunting. What’s the difference between telemedicine and virtual care? And how do you make an online doctor appointment? These are key questions you should have a basic understanding of before you book your first telemedicine appointment. 

What is Telemedicine?

The rising healthcare costs over the recent years have presented a problem for people trying to gain quick access to common yet acute health issues. Waiting for weeks for an appointment with their Primary Care Physicians isn’t an option, and that is if they have one. And sitting for hours in an Urgent Care waiting room to be seen for a UTI isn’t time effective. The advancement of technology created a solution. Telemedicine.

WHO, the World Health Organization, defines telemedicine as “healing from a distance“. Telemedicine is the practice of medicine utilizing modern technology to offer medical care from a distance. An online doctor in one location can administer treatment to a patient in their home or office by telephone, tablet, or computer. These appointments can decrease the cost of practicing medicine allowing the co-pays or payments to be reduced from those of Urgent Care and Emergency Room visits and often even your PCP. 

According to The American Journal of Accountable Care, “The use of telemedicine has been shown to allow for better long-term care management and patient satisfaction.”

Today, when lifestyles are hectic, saving time by removing long waits at medical facilities to have your minor health issues diagnosed could be preferable. 

What is Virtual Care?

So while telemedicine is the practice of online doctors administering medicine to address illnesses, virtual care, also known as telehealth, is somewhat different. Virtual care refers to a broad range of healthcare services delivered virtually to provide care at a distance. 

While telemedicine leans more towards acute treatment, virtual care covers an extensive range of services, such as preventive care, health coaching, mental health services, nutritional coaching, and more. While care may include administering medicine, it also includes preventive care and reversing harmful behaviors and health issues. 

Virtual care can include online doctors, dieticians, coaches, nurse practitioners, psychologists, naturopathic doctors, and other healthcare workers. 

What’s the Difference?

So what is the difference between telemedicine and virtual care? Both are addressing your medical needs via telecommunications, but they have different purposes. Telemedicine is looking to address acute illnesses just as a physical doctor would if you became sick and needed to get in for a prescription-only it is done virtually. 

Virtual care manages your overall health via online communication. It looks at a broader scope and can involve a multitude of healthcare providers. 

Either way, you might talk to an online doctor. Making an online doctor appointment is still easy, but you can also make one for the other healthcare practitioners in their practice that help manage your health. Virtual care often does more than manage care; it can also educate and provide an extensive plan of action to restore your health and includes preventive health and deals with the root cause of your illness. 

Also, because telemedicine deals with acute medicine, you might see a different online doctor each time you have an online doctor appointment. While with virtual care, you generally work with a dedicated team that you see regularly and are able to build a relationship with. 

How Does an Online Doctor Visit Work?

Visiting an online doctor or healthcare professional is quick and easy, whether for a virtual care or telemedicine visit. There is no travel time or sitting restlessly in cold waiting rooms. You can make an online doctor appointment and attend the appointment from the comfort of your own home. 

You will need access to a camera, microphone, and speaker on your phone, tablet, or computer. You will need to verify who you are before beginning your appointment. Your online doctor is a board-certified doctor who is licensed in your state, and the other healthcare professionals you might see have all of their appropriate state licenses and certifications as well. Appropriate licensing is required of every professional working in the online health industry. 

Once you log into your appointment, you might have to wait a few moments in a “waiting room”, this is usually a very short duration and nowhere near the amount of time you would spend in a physical office. When the doctor is ready, they will log in and ask you to look directly into the camera so they can properly identify you. Then they will ask you a series of questions to establish why you are there. From there, your appointment would be much like a physical appointment, only there is no weigh-in, and your vitals are not taken. 

Otherwise, your online doctor appointment is very similar to your physical doctor or other healthcare professional. 

Do I Need to See a Physical Doctor?

For some health issues, you will still need to see a physical doctor. And for some healthcare platforms, like Ciba Health, you will need to have seen a physician within the past 3 years. Once this has happened, Ciba Health can offer ongoing support through video conferences, phone calls, and messaging. 

Types of Appointments Suited for Online Doctor Appointments

Not every type of medical issue is suited for online doctor appointments but many are. Some various examples are: 

Why Does My Online Doctor Need to See My ID?

Before your online doctor or healthcare professional can proceed with your online telemedicine appointment, you must have your identity confirmed. How this is done is by giving your government-issued ID and sometimes your insurance photo. For Ciba Health, you will provide your government-issued ID and a second clear face photo. 

When the doctor comes on the video screen, you will look directly into the camera so the online doctor can compare your face with that of your government-issued identification. This ensures you are who you present yourself to be so that your medical records are accurate. 

Is a Video Chat Required?

If you are wondering if a video chat is required for your online doctor appointment, well, it depends. It’s a matter of your state regulations. Some states require all appointments to be via video. In other states, your telemedicine appointments can be via phone or message. These non-video appointments are usually after initial contact has been made, however. 

Is it Legal to Get an Online Prescription?

Online prescriptions, are they legal? While you cannot just obtain an online prescription with a few clicks of your mouse, you can meet with an online doctor, who may prescribe medication if needed. You must consult a medical doctor first, either by video chat or phone, to obtain an online prescription. 

How Do I Make a Virtual Care Appointment?

While every online healthcare platform is different, at Ciba Health, you will select “Book a first appointment” under the onboarding to-do list to book your telemedicine appointment. You can also choose “Appointments” from the left navigation bar to secure your online doctor appointment. In addition to that, you can select a specialist in the “Book an appointment” section on the dashboard. 

Is Online healthcare safe?

Online healthcare is safe and effective if the patients answer questions truthfully. However, that is the case whether visiting an online doctor or a physical one. The care you receive from doctors and other healthcare professionals is only adequate when they have a full and accurate picture from which to work with, both with online doctor appointments and physical doctor visits. 

When working with online doctors, it is a partnership where they rely on you to provide them with accurate information so they can correctly assess your needs and prescribe appropriate medications, request lab work, or modify behavior. Your responsibility is to read your healthcare plan then follow through. It is essential to make the most of your telemedicine appointment by being honest with your online doctor and following the plan of action. 

In virtual care appointments, you are getting a different level of care as the support is more involved than a one-time visit. So you build a relationship with your providers. Building a relationship provides a certain level of trust that helps in establishing an open line of communication and a safer environment for care. 

How Much Does it Cost?

When booking your telemedicine appointment, you may wonder how much it cost. According to the average online doctor appointment is $79 as opposed to $146 for an in-office visit. At Ciba Health, we offer an all-inclusive virtual care package with the Complete Care Plan.

 The plan includes: 

Ciba Health also offers a Root Cause Discovery Plan for $194, a 2 week-long program to help determine the root of your health issues and address them holistically with a roadmap to good health. 

Are Telehealth Visits Reimbursable?

At Ciba Health, your online doctor appointments and those with our other healthcare professionals are all part of our programs, and you can use your HSA/FSA dollars to pay for your program or get the cost reimbursed to you if you should pay out of pocket. Most insurance companies will fully cover our Depression & Anxiety program. We will gladly prepare a superbill for you to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. 

A Matter of Convenience

Seeing an online doctor is the wave of the future. Saving time, effort, and money makes online doctor appointments a perfect way to manage your healthcare. Whether you are searching for telemedicine to meet your acute medical needs or want to regain control of your health with virtual care, online appointments could be right for you. Virtual care can help you find the root cause of your health issue, create a detailed plan to control or improve the issues you are facing and start living a better life. With Ciba Health’s lifestyle plans, there are options waiting for you. 

Start restoring your health today. To find out more about how you can get started with one of our plans, click HERE

What is mindful eating? 

Mindful eating brings mindfulness to food choice and the experience of eating, as defined by The Center for Mindful Eating. Bringing mindfulness into your daily practice is when you are bringing full attention and awareness to your experience, without judgment. This can be applied to food with the principle of mindful eating, where you are taking the time to truly be present with your meals and snacks. 

Increasing awareness 

Mindful eating increases your awareness of why, when, what, how, and how much you eat. When you are able to observe your eating patterns without judgment, you can start to see food in a new light. As you begin to recognize triggers that may lead to emotional eating or “stress eating,” you can gain a better understanding of your relationship with food.

Bring mindfulness into eating 

According to The Center for Mindful Eating, bringing mindfulness into eating can create new experiences, such as: 

How can I utilize mindfulness in my day to day? 

Here are some helpful strategies from one of Ciba Health’s Registered Dietitians, Leah Tsui, to bring more mindfulness into your eating: 

Menopause can be a confusing time in a woman’s life, when hormonal fluctuations can cause changes not only to the reproductive system but to the body as a whole. What’s more, perimenopausal and postmenopausal women are often not given the tools they need to navigate this transition with confidence—leading to confusion, frustration, and in some cases, worsening symptoms. Understand the signs and symptoms of menopause, and how you can begin natural remedies and lifestyle changes to feel better.

What are the stages of menopause?

While you may know menopause as the decrease in hormone production that happens to women 40 to 50 years of age, these hormonal shifts do not happen overnight. There are three phases to the transition:

  1. Perimenopause: when a woman’s body begins the transition 
  2. Menopause: when you have experienced 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period
  3. Postmenopause: generally 24 to 36 months after your last period, when your symptoms begin to subside

Throughout this transition, your levels of sex hormones continue to decline and symptoms, like hot flashes, appear or increase as your period becomes more infrequent. No matter what stage of menopause you are experiencing, it is important to fully understand the changes your body is undergoing, how to adjust your lifestyle, and what it takes to stay healthy during this phase of your life.

What are common signs and symptoms of menopause?

Perhaps the most stereotypical symptom of menopause is experiencing a hot flash. Some women may have a few hot flashes and other symptoms like fatigue that are manageable with a healthy diet and lifestyle adjustments. Others may experience worsening or frustrating symptoms that need more attention. Common symptoms you may feel during this transition in your life include:

Although these symptoms may be common, it doesn’t mean they are easy to deal with. If you feel frustrated with your menopause symptoms, we recommend speaking with your doctor or a functional medicine practitioner. There are natural remedies and steps you can take to stay healthy during the menopausal transition.

Menopause and chronic disease risk

While you may be familiar with the common symptoms of menopause, less well-known is the relationship between menopause and chronic disease. Several scientific studies have demonstrated that early menopause is related to rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Fluctuations in estrogen levels have also been linked to illnesses like cancer, endometriosis, and cardiovascular disease.

However, growing research is supporting the claim that lifestyle and nutrition choices can positively impact health during menopause and decrease your risk for chronic disease.

Unfortunately, most conventional doctors focus on hormone replacement therapy as an answer to the question of menopause. They are not taking into consideration how each woman is hormonally unique or the non-prescription solutions available.

For example, anti-inflammatory foods can aid in hormone balancing and reducing the severity of symptoms during menopause. Foods like tomatoes, berries, fatty fish, and nuts can help reduce inflammation and fight chronic disease risk. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower contain compounds shown to prevent hormone-influenced female cancers.

Through adopting sustainable lifestyle and diet changes tailored to you, it’s possible to feel better during menopause, avoid complications, and stop relying on medication to “fix” your hormone levels.

Functional medicine approach

The key difference between conventional and functional medicine is identification of the “root cause” of an ailment. In functional medicine, lab testing looks closer at a person’s physiology, pinpointing disrupted pathways that may have created the symptom(s) or illness, such as hot flashes or menopause.

Therefore, functional medicine practitioners look at the body holistically, with the ability to identify modifiable lifestyle factors to heal symptoms and rebalance hormones.

Why are peri- and post-menopausal women one of the largest populations that seek functional medicine? Most other methods of healthcare do not address their top two concerns: improving symptoms with personalized solutions (not one-size-fits-all approaches) and reducing disease risks with the safest options. Women are biochemically and genetically different from one another. Plus, an individual’s lifestyle plays a major role in their menopause symptoms.

To address symptoms of menopause, functional medicine practitioners identify what modifiable lifestyle factors can be adjusted to heal and rebalance hormones, as well as tailor supplements and bio-identical hormones to fit that woman’s unique needs.

Learn more about Ciba Health’s personalized, data-driven functional medicine approach to menopause. Chat with a care advisor today to see if our approach is right for you.

Lifestyle changes to start with

If you are dealing with perimenopausal, menopausal, or post-menopausal symptoms, there are simple diet and lifestyle adjustments you can make to feel some relief.

Because managing any major life change can be complicated, we recommend speaking with a functional medicine doctor before making any drastic alterations to your routine. They will be able to identify the root cause(s) of your symptoms, order lab tests, and create a personalized healthcare plan.

  1. Strive to eat a balanced diet, consisting mainly of cruciferous vegetables, fresh fruits, whole non-gluten grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins. This type of meal plan can reduce inflammation, menopause symptoms, and risk of chronic disease.
  2. Avoid “empty-calorie” foods (without real nutrients), such as cake, cookies, donuts, processed meats (cold cuts), energy drinks and sodas, fruit juices with added sugar, ice cream, potato chips, and french fries.
  3. Do not exceed the recommended alcohol intake for women, which is no more than 1 drink per day (ie, 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz of distilled spirits).
  4. Incorporate more exercise into your daily routine by taking 30-minute walks or bike rides, joining an online group fitness class, or practicing yoga, which can increase strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.

Written and verified by Leah Tsui, RDN

What is functional nutrition and how does it differ from the conventional approach to nutrition? Leah Tsui, a registered dietitian nutritionist from Ciba Health, explains how functional medicine approaches nutrition and how we can benefit from thinking about nutrition in our everyday lives. Read on to find out!

What is nutrition?

Let’s start with the basics: nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease. 

What is a registered dietitian nutritionist?

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) are the food and nutrition experts who can translate the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living. RDNs use their nutrition knowledge to give evidence-based recommendations to help support individuals make positive lifestyle changes. RDNs who provide care with a functional medicine approach address the underlying causes of disease to support the patient towards their highest expression of health. 

How does nutrition impact health?

We often hear the adage of “you are what you eat”—and while you don’t become an apple when you eat an apple, our food choices make an impact on our health. How we eat, what we eat, how we cook our food; all of this comes together to give a bigger picture on how nutrition is impacting health. With functional nutrition, there is the guidance of conventional (metabolic, cardiovascular, thyroid) and functional labs (nutrient levels, food allergy/sensitivity profiles, gastrointestinal function, oxidative stress markers, urine organic acids, hormone profiles, toxic metals, etc) to determine what is the best course of action for a patient. 

How do functional RDNs work with patients?

Functional RDNs will evaluate many factors of what makes you, you! They want to understand your goals and priorities with coming to work with them, so that they know what to assess and can suggest appropriate intervention methods. Medical history, food intake (what you’re eating, frequency, portion sizes, cooking vs. takeout, how you’re eating, etc), medications, supplements, and culture are some important components of what is assessed during an initial consultation. There won’t be any “this is what you must eat” and “never eat that food again”; RDNs are not there to be the “food police”. They want to work with you to create a strategic plan that delivers lasting and sustainable results. 

It’s more than just meal planning and counting calories, because functional RDNs look at the whole person rather than prescribe a particular diet to follow or macronutrient goal to hit. Functional nutrition takes an extremely personalized approach, taking lifestyle factors, culture, biomarkers, mental health, and more into account. The patient-centered approach, rather than the disease-centered approach, is what sets functional nutrition apart from conventional medicine. When health is viewed as a positive vitality, not just the absence of disease, this drives the direction of care towards the whole person.

Add more in! Here are some tips to add more to your life with nutrition: 

Having trouble falling and staying asleep? Here’s how to break free from your insomnia naturally and get deeper sleep each night

We’ve all had poor sleep at some point in our lives, and it can affect so many other areas of our life—especially if you experience insomnia. We know that sleep deprivation feels awful, and can leave us more irritable, depressed, and fatigued throughout the day. Functional medicine dives into all of the lifestyle factors that disturb sleep and why there may be an imbalance in the body’s sleep cycle. Keep reading to find out how sleep works on a hormonal level, the functional medicine approach to insomnia, and tips our doctors recommend to start getting a better night’s rest.

How sleep works (hormonally)

The two hormones responsible for helping us fall asleep (and wake up) are cortisol and melatonin. Cortisol is one of our main stress hormones, meaning it helps us wake up and have energy throughout the day. In contrast, melatonin is our “sleepy” hormone, and having high levels of melatonin before bed lulls us into a deep, restful sleep. 

These two hormones work in tandem with each other and our internal clock, also known as our circadian rhythm, to put us to sleep. Having a low cortisol level and a high melatonin level at bedtime is the ideal recipe for deep, high-quality sleep. However, if there are disruptions to this hormonal cycle, you may wake up in the middle of the night, or feel tired throughout the day and awake at night.

Conventional vs. functional medicine approach to sleep problems

Factors including stress levels, light exposure, stimulants, and temperature can impact your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Dr. Subhashini Katumuluwa explains, “In conventional medicine, we’re usually pretty quick to turn to prescription sleep aids to help someone fall asleep and stay asleep…In functional medicine, we try to take an inventory of someone’s lifestyle factors and see which of those are likely contributing to someone’s sleep issues. We really look at the whole picture.”

Even if a patient complains about trouble sleeping and says that melatonin supplements help them fall asleep, a functional medicine doctor would try to understand why there’s an imbalance of melatonin in the body, and why supplements work so well for that individual.

Tips to achieve good sleep hygiene and feel well-rested

Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. If you sleep longer on the weekends, see if there’s a way to prioritize sleep during the week so that you can get the same amount of sleep each day. 

Adjust your light exposure. Make sure you get some sunlight exposure during the day (or get a light box that simulates sunlight if you can’t get outside), and wear blue-light-blocking glasses 2-3 hours before bedtime. Avoid scrolling through your phone during the hour before bed!

Create a wind-down routine. To reduce stress in the evening, create a nighttime routine including breathing exercises, journaling, a bath with Epsom salt and essential oils, or a gentle yoga practice. This will signal to your body that it’s time to transition into bedtime and relaxation.

Avoid alcohol consumption before bed. Especially in the 2-3 hours before bed, avoid alcohol. Everyone processes alcohol differently, but it’s a good rule of thumb to avoid having a nightcap—it can actually disrupt your rest instead of promoting sleep. While it’s often thought to be a helpful sleeping aid, alcohol actually disrupts your sleep quality and contributes to poorer overall sleep. You may feel like alcohol helps you fall asleep faster, but that doesn’t actually mean you will stay asleep or have high-quality sleep.

If you’re drawn to having a glass of wine or beer before bed to help you wind down, it’s time to find a new way to relax and unwind. Here are some relaxing self-care activities you can practice instead of reaching for the wine cabinet:

  1. Take a relaxing bubble bath, with your favorite essential oils.
  2. Snuggle on the couch with some tea and a good book.
  3. Start journaling. Try writing down all the things that happened during the day.
  4. Follow a guided meditation. 

If you suspect you are suffering from a sleep problem, such as sleep apnea, it’s important to talk to your doctor before making significant changes to your lifestyle. See how a Ciba Health doctor can help you with insomnia and other sleep problems here.

Constantly feeling stressed out? Here are the signs and symptoms of chronic stress, and what you can do to manage your stress and feel better

Stress is a natural part of our lives, and in healthy amounts, stress can help us trigger the “flight or fight” response and avoid dangerous situations—like getting cornered by a lion. However, in today’s world, most of our stressors come from things like work, family, relationships, and school – not wild animals. So it’s important to avoid chronic stress, or a prolonged stress response in the body, as staying in “flight or fight” mode for long periods of time can have devastating effects on the body.

What drives chronic stress?

In moderation, the body’s response to stress is healthy – it helps us avoid (or fight) aggressors and dangerous predators that could threaten our lives. However, in today’s world it’s much more likely that stress is contributing to poor health. Generally, when a stressor (such as a tight deadline or a public speaking engagement) has passed, our body’s flight-or-fight response is turned off, and our hormones go back to normal. But, so many people these days constantly feel under attack – perhaps from ongoing deadlines and ever-increasing job demands – and their bodies stay in a stress-induced state. Prolonged stress can cause many other mental and physical issues – most commonly chronic fatigue and anxiety.

What are the effects of long-term stress?

Long-term activation of the stress-response system and overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can disrupt almost all your body’s processes. This includes impacts on the muscles, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, endocrine, and gastrointestinal health. This can lead to the development of health problems such as:

Chronic stress is also pro-inflammatory, (meaning your body is more likely to experience inflammation), is a key contributor to developing leaky gut, and is responsible for decreasing sex hormones and brain neurotransmitters. If you’re in a constant state of “fight or flight” your body stops doing things that are considered non-essential (like preparing for sex, proper digestion, and reducing inflammation).

What are the signs of chronic stress?

According to Dr. Markyia Nichols, you will likely experience three stages of stress if you are chronically stressed out:

Stage 1: Acute Stress

You may experience one or more of the following symptoms in the acute stress stage:

Stage 2: Tired but Wired

In this stage, the body is exhausted but is also getting used to staying in a stress-induced state, so you are tired but can’t relax or fall asleep easily. You may experience:

Stage 3: Adrenal Burnout

Your body has reached its limit in this final stage, and is beginning to break down. If you have reached this stage, you probably have noticed:

How to combat and manage chronic stress

If you know you are experiencing chronic stress, it’s time to do something about it. Remember, always talk with your doctor and create a plan together with your physician before making any significant changes in your lifestyle.

In the meantime, here are some strategies you can use to combat chronic stress and start feeling better:

  1. Focus on breathing. Slow, steady, deep breathing can signal the brain that it’s okay to relax. Intentionally practice a breathing exercise when you are feeling stressed out.
  2. Eat well. A balanced diet free from empty calories and excess sugars promotes a healthy gut, which can lead to better overall health. What’s more, about 90% of the body’s serotonin (one of our feel-good hormones) is produced in the gut.
  3. Exercise regularly. Exercising not only promotes the production of good cholesterol to protect the heart and cardiovascular system, but it also releases the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins to improve your mood.
  4. Get professional help. Work with a team of doctors, dieticians, and health coaches to reverse your chronic stress and related conditions. See how Ciba Health can help you.

Custom vitamins & personalized supplements demystified

Advertisements are everywhere for custom vitamins, personalized supplements, and vitamins tailored to you. But are these supplements really worth the hype, and do they give us more benefits than our regular multivitamin?

Dr. Sandy Le, a naturopathic doctor with Ciba Health, answers our burning questions about personalized vitamins and supplements.

What’s the hype behind these tailor-made supplements?

Many tailor-made supplement companies are popping up because of a rise in preventative medicine, and an emphasis on a nutrigenomic approach to medicine. So not only are using someone’s genetics to inform medical decisions, but you’re also delving deeper into their lab work. This will allow your doctor to see exactly what nutrients your body is lacking.

You can then create a specific supplement to optimize those levels. When you buy a multivitamin over the counter, the dosages you get are intact. You and your neighbor could take the same dose. But if we all went in and got blood work done, you would have different vitamin B levels or magnesium levels or different mineral levels than your neighbor.

So the cool thing about these personalized supplements is they’re creating a supplement based on your individualized needs and based upon your blood work.

Should I invest in personalized supplements? Is it really worth it?

It really depends on the person. You have some people who are super healthy, whose genes are amazing, and who don’t have any issues with absorption. They probably wouldn’t need a personalized supplement. But if you are someone who experiences chronic conditions or complains about fatigue, difficulty focusing, or you have leaky gut, for instance, you would really benefit from taking customized supplements that directly address your medical issue.

What is the relationship between functional medicine and personalized supplements?

Using supplements or nutraceuticals instead of universally using prescription medication is a type of modality, that is used in functional medicine. When someone’s coming in to my office for a certain condition or they have a chronic disease, I run all of your diagnostics to see what’s going on, and by utilizing supplements, we can begin treating what’s going on. That’s where functional medicine goes hand in hand with custom vitamins.

Not only are you looking at a person’s lifestyle and diet and fixing things on that end, but you’re also giving them this support through supplements, herbs, and nutrition. It’s also important to make sure that their supplements, lifestyle and diet isn’t contraindicated in the medications that they’re taking.

When should I consider taking supplements? What sort of supplements would be beneficial to overall health?

First and foremost, you would have to set up shop with a licensed functional medicine doctor or naturopathic doctor to get labs done. They would gather all that information and then see if you’re on any medications to recommend any supplementation.

Typically, though, the most common vitamins that are generally safe for people to add-on would be vitamin C, vitamin D, and magnesium, which are in fish oil. Those are generally pretty safe things to add, but of course you always want to check with your healthcare provider and your doctor to make sure that’s okay.